3Caméra D
KEPO Electronics adopte la technologie iTof avec un kit d'évaluation très flexible qui permet aux concepteurs d'effectuer rapidement le développement de personnalisation nécessaire du système. 135La fréquence d'images élevée FPS peut détecter et suivre des objets en mouvement rapide.
• Contrôle gestuel
• Reconnaissance de visage
• Évitement d'obstacle
Des produits
Mesurer la distance ·············································· 0.2m-6m (Personnalisable)
Résolution ······································································································ 640*480
FPS ··········································· ························· TYPE 30 ips (Prise en charge de 60 ips)
Précision ················································································································· <1cm
Champ de vision ··········································· ························· H.67°x V51°(Personnalisable)
Résistance à la lumière ambiante ··········································· ·················· 120klux
Interface de données ····································································· GMSL (MAX96711)
Démarrage à froid ······································································································· <300MS
Tension de travail ······························································································· 9-16v
Courant de fonctionnement ··················································································· <300mA
Courant de pointe ······································································································· <1.5UN
Consommation d'énergie ·························································································· <3O
Température de fonctionnement ··········································· ······················ -40~85 ℃
Température de stockage ··········································· ······················· -40~95 ℃
Sécurité intelligente
Électronique grand public
Pilote automatique
Industrie automatisée
Pourquoi choisir KEPO
1.White Plane Test @ 40MHz
The test object is a white wall. The test distance is 10 consecutive frames of data. The results of the data in the central area are shown in the figure below. The data is good from 30 cm to 300 cm; When the test distance is less than 30 cm, some transition exposure will occur.
2.Exposure Test
In the black paper test scenario, 10 consecutive data frames are shot at each distance, and the central data processing results are shown in the following figure.
3.Single-line Pixel Test
The test object is a white wall, and the zone depth image is in line 60, line 80, and line 120.
-At the test distance of about 80cm, the bounce between adjacent pixels is millimeter level.
-At the test distance of about 150cm, the bouncing between adjacent pixels is millimeter level, and the bouncing is about 1cm due to more edge noise.
-At the test distance of about 200 cm, the bounce between adjacent pixels is about 1 cm, and the edge bounce is about 2 cm.