Kepo Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System Enhances Safety on the Road

The Kepo Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) enhances road safety by addressing the low noise levels of electric vehicles, which pose risks to pedestrians and other road users, especially the visually impaired.
Blog Kepo Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System Enhances Safety OnThe Road

With the growing trend of vehicle electrification, electric vehicle sales are on the rise, and market researcher Canalys summarized the global electric vehicle market in 2022 by stating that global electric vehicle sales will account for 9% of passenger vehicle sales in 2022, an increase of 109% year-on-year.

However, due to the low noise level of electric vehicles, pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles and other road users are unable to perceive the proximity of these vehicles (especially vulnerable groups such as the blind or visually impaired), posing a potential threat to their safety, especially at road intersections and in the specific situations where visually impaired people are walking. To address this issue, the Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) was developed. Explore Kepo AVAS product design features in depth in this blog.

Kepo’s Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is a tailored acoustic warning system designed for electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and public transportation, offering customized acoustic solutions for each vehicle type.

Kepo Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) offers exceptional flexibility in sound frequency, lightweight design, Standard or extreme temperature, and IPX tolerance (-40°C to 85°C, extending to -40°C to 90°C), and can achieve sound pressure levels of up to 87 dB, with IP67-IP69 ability based on customer prefer and budget.

The AVAS system accepts vehicle speed and gear position signals through its CAN communication Module from the vehicle gateway. These signals will be processed by the MCU (Microcontroller Unit) which retrieves pre-stored sound data from the FLASH memory and dynamically adjusts pitch and volume to generate a lifelike engine sound, alerting pedestrians and other road users to the presence of the approaching EV.


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