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Kepo ist der Branchenführer bei der Bereitstellung hochmoderner akustischer Fahrzeugwarnsysteme (AVAS) Lösungen für den Automotive-Bereich.
Unsere AVAS-Lösung zielt nicht nur auf das AVAS-Produkt selbst ab, aber auch einschließlich seines Soundeffekt-/Melodie-Designs & optimieren, Entwicklung eingebetteter Software basierend auf Soc, und auch versuchen, ein vollständig aktives Sounddesign bereitzustellen. Dank dieser Arbeiten ist es gelungen, Wir sind in der Lage, das Fahrerlebnis in der Kabine zu verbessern und die Verkehrssicherheit zu erhöhen.
Kepo Acoustic Vehicle
Alert System

Safety Hazards Due to Silence

Electric vehicles gained popularity for their eco-friendliness and energy efficiency, but their silent operation posed a significant safety concern. Pedestrians and other road users found it challenging to detect the approach of electric vehicles due to their lack of noise, leading to numerous traffic accidents. Um dieses Problem anzugehen, the Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) was developed. AVAS systems emit sounds at low speeds, simulating the engine noise of traditional internal combustion engine vehicles or other audible alerts, to alert pedestrians and other road users to the presence of an approaching vehicle, thereby enhancing road safety.

To reduce the risk of accidents associated with the silent operation of electric vehicles, many countries mandated the installation and use of AVAS systems.

Global Regulations

From July 1, 2019, European Union Request all new energy vehicles must be equipped with AVAS systems.

Similarly, in North America, under FMVSS No. 141 standards, hybrid and electric vehicles manufactured since 2020 are also mandated to have pedestrian warning systems. In China, according to GB/T 37153 standards, new energy vehicles must install Acoustic Vehicle Alert Systems (AVAS) to emit sounds at low speeds to enhance pedestrian safety.

These regulations mandate the installation and use of AVAS systems to reduce the risk of accidents associated with the silent operation of electric vehicles, thus improving road safety.

AVAS Regulation Map

AVAS System From Kepo

Kepo’s Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is a tailored acoustic warning system designed for electric vehicles (Elektrofahrzeuge), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and public transportation, offering customized acoustic solutions for each vehicle type.

The AVAS system accepts vehicle speed and gear position signals through its CAN communication Module from the vehicle gateway. These signals will be processed by the MCU (Microcontroller Unit) which retrieves pre-stored sound data from the FLASH memory and dynamically adjusts pitch and volume to generate a lifelike engine sound, alerting pedestrians and other road users to the presence of the approaching EV.

Sound Melody Design

Kepo sound design process begins with the utilization of specialized sound design software, allowing us to edit fundamental sound source files. The versatility of our sound design enables us to create a wide range of sound profiles, whether it be the emulation of traditional internal combustion engine sounds or the development of unique, brand-specific audio identities.

Kepo employs advanced simulation software to generate calibrated data, which is subsequently utilized by the AVAS control system to drive the speakers integrated within the AVAS system. This meticulous calibration process ensures that the generated sounds align perfectly with the vehicle’s operational parameters and safety requirements.

AVAS Kepo Sound Effect Design System 20230928


Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie

Kepo Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) offers exceptional flexibility in sound frequency, lightweight design, Standard or extreme temperature and IPX tolerance (-40°C to 85°C, extending to -40°C to 90°C), and can achieve sound pressure levels of up to 87 dB, with IP67-IP69 ability based on customer prefer and budget.

Our products represent a perfect blend of cutting-edge engineering and regulatory compliance, ensuring an enhanced and safer driving environment for EVs and hybrid.

Artikel Spezifikation
Impedanz 8Ω±15 %
Schalldruckpegel 81dB±3 dB(W/M )
Resonanzfrequenz 180Hz ±20%
Frequenzbereich Fo ~5KHz
Eingangsleistung Rated 3W / Max.5W
Verzerrung 1.2 f0<f≤500Hz时:≤5 %
Summen und Rasseln Es sollten keine hörbaren Summen zu hören sein, rattles when the 4V sine wave signal swept at frequency range.
Polarität Bei Lieferung plus Gleichstrom. Spannung an (+) Terminal, Die Kegelmembran muss sich nach vorne bewegen.
Betriebstemperaturbereich -40℃ +85℃

Case Highlights

Icon Regulation


·UN R138.01
·FMVSS 141
·GB/T 37153
·EMC Tested

Icon Compact

Compact & Lightweight

·Sound Actuator
·Compact Housing
·220g Lightweight

Icon Performance


·Low Distortion
·>90% Efficiency
·IP67 & IP6K9K

Icon Function


·CAN BUS Connection
·UDS, OTA Available
·Personalized Customization

Icon Cost

Cost Optimization

·Modular Design
·Sound Effect/Melody Design
·Embeded Software Solution


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Kepo-Umgebungsbeleuchtungslösungen für Fahrzeuge

Kepo Electronics kann unabhängige Beleuchtungsaktoren und die Systemsteuerungsintegration je nach Bedarf anpassen. Kepo hat ein komplettes Design, Entwicklung, und Bewertungsprozess, Abdeckung der Lichteffizienz, das Auftreten, Struktur, und Systemaspekte, und ist mit professioneller Ausrüstung zur farboptischen Analyse ausgestattet, Strukturelle Finite-Elemente-Analyse, Spektrale Strahlungsanalyse, und spektrale Farbhelligkeitsmessung von Produkten. Die Produkte unterstützen CAN/LIN-Logikkommunikation und -steuerung, und kann verschiedene Funktionen wie Farbtemperatur erreichen, Helligkeit, Farbe, und Musikinteraktion.

Kepo Haptische Lösung

Kepo is an industry-leading tactile technology company focused on researching and producing high-performance tactile feedback solutions. Our team has rich experience and professional knowledge, committed to applying tactile technology to different fields to improve user experience.

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