Mic-Product Portfolio


KEPO Electronics is committed to creating a high-end vehicle pickup system to achieve more accurate voice positioning and sound beam collection. Together with the noise reduction system suppressing the noise outside the beam, the acquired sound will be much clearer.

• A2B Solution with Low Latency
• Acoustic Simulation Experiments
• Professional Anechoic Chamber & Test Equipment


A2B Mic

A2B Mic

Directivity  ···························································································· Omni directional
Sensitivity  ································································· -26±2dB, 0dB=1V/Pa,1KHz,8V
Operation Voltage  ···················································································· 8±10% V.D.C
Max. Current Consumption  ·································································· 25mA, at 8V
Max Input Sound Level  ····························································· 120dB, at 1KHz, 8V
Distortion·······················<1.0%, @94dBSPL@1KHz <3%, @106dBSPL@1KHz
Signal to Noise Ratio ·································································· >65dB, A-weighted

KEPO Voice Calls Microphone

Voice Calls(00023)

Directivity  ····························································································· Omni directional
Sensitivity  ·········································································· -3.5±3dB, 0dB=1V/Pa,1KHz
Operation Voltage  ······························································· 8±0.8 V.D.C, 680 OHM
Current Consumption  ········································· 3~9mA, at 8.0 VDC/680 OHM
Output impedance  ······························································································ <200 Ω
Total Harmonic Distortion  ········································ <1.0%, @94dBSPL@1KHz
Signal to Noise Ratio  ································································· >60dB, A-weighted



Professional Recording

Noise Collection

Why Choose KEPO

1. Simulation

KEPO MIC Simulation - THD


KEPO-MIC-Directivity Simulation


KEPO-MIC-Signal and Spectrum Simulation

Signal and Spectrum

2. Frequency Response

Frequency Response Curve

Frequency Response Curve

3. Experimental Ability

KEPO Anechoic Chamber-1

Anechoic Chamber

KEPO Quality Testing System

R & D Equipment

KEPO R & D Machine - 1.5

Quality Testing

4. Automatic Production Line

KEPO Laser Welding Machine

Laser Welding

KEPO Mic Quality Testing System

Quality Testing

KEPO MIC Automatic Production Line

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