
単一のブザー アラームから自動車計装スピーカーと Kepo の組み合わせに進化する方法を学びます。?

アラーム音のない従来の機械式ダッシュボードが徐々に置き換えられる中、デジタル ダッシュボードを採用する自動車メーカーが増えています。. デジタル化について学ぶには、このブログを読んでください, パーソナライゼーション, 知能, カースピーカーとサイクリングダッシュボードベルの組み合わせによってもたらされる接続性により、よりスマートなスマートキャビンを構築します.
ブログ 単一のブザーアラームから車載計装スピーカーと Kepo の組み合わせに進化する方法を学ぶ

Kepo’s first generation product was a buzzer that emitted a single alarm tone. With the emergence of electrified and digitalized dashboards, Kepo’s car speakers update the multifunctional speakers that combine with smarter dashboards to emit chordal voice alarm tones, bringing a different driving experience.

From the initial buzzer single alarm tone, to multi-functional full-range speakers, to bring the driver a richer display of information, whether it is navigation routes, incoming calls or vehicle status, can be clearly displayed to the driver through the instrument speaker, so that the driver can be more focused on the road conditions, improve driving safety, with instrument speakers, the driver does not need to frequently check the mobile phone or the central control screen, you can get the information they need. In this way, the driver’s eyes can stay more on the road ahead, reducing the possibility of distraction.

Kepo Product Advantages

  • This product has high sound pressure, wide bandwidth, and rich low-frequency sound;
  • Suitable for alarm, voice and chord tones;
  • Suitable for low voltage circuits;
  • PCB board with the customer’s conduction mode using plug and play;
  • BOX structure, will not lead to inconsistent sound effects with the customer’s assembly;


With the development of smart cockpits, future automotive dashboard speakers may integrate more artificial intelligence technologies, such as voice recognition, natural language processing, and emotion recognition, enabling drivers to interact with their vehicles more naturally, thus enhancing the driving experience.

Future automotive dashboard speakers may integrate more functions, such as navigation instructions, vehicle status reports, and intelligent assistant services, enabling drivers to The future automotive dashboard speakers may integrate more functions, such as navigation instructions, vehicle status reports, intelligent assistant services, 等, enabling drivers to access various information and services more conveniently.




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